
I've packed the brownies of the Men from Mars
I leak the Plague from my nether parts
opiates are the *mass* of my religion
I steer my *own* god damn evolution!

I kidnapped the future and ransomed it for the past
I gave Mother Nature a high-protein tonsil wash
Come *on* and give me cancer
I'll spit up the tumor and butter my *bread* with it

I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium!
Power plants are fueled by the spew of my brow
I do it for *fun*! I *cannot* be tracked on radar!
when they plug *me* in, the lights go out in the Asia!

(The Subgenius Brag Generator)
There's comfort and control, it's safe for you and me.
News for the surface shows how hard life there can be.
why live in danger ? why live with pain ?
People from the surface find it hard to explain.
-- Quasi: Our Happiness Is Guaranteed


"Two roads diverged in the woods. I took the one less traveled, and had to eat bugs until Park rangers rescued me." -- Jim Rosenberg


Fit in or fuck off
I smolder with generic rage
How about a nice cup
of shut the fuck up.